Category Archives: Buddhism

What’s worse than being a Christian

Or any religion to be honest, I tend to refer more to Christianity as that was my upbringing.

Well not much.


I ask you this: you are standing in the street and you see a someone stealing someone else’s belongings and you stand by and do nothing, you do not try and prevent the crime, you do not phone the police or get help, you do not ask to see if the victim is ok…you just walk on. Sound like you? Sound like the person you want to be?

Ok on the face of it you’ve done nothing wrong but by allowing this behaviour to continue it could be argued that you are as bad as the thief. I personally wouldn’t go that far, but it certainly makes you wrong. You made the wrong choice; a bad decision.

And so when presented with religion you can be a part of it, you can stand back and let it be, or you can say something.

“Hey, Religion…stop that”

Sometimes just questioning something that someone is doing is enough to make them stop and think an perhaps change their behaviour, the same could be said for organisations as large as these…


So what’s worse than being a Christian? Watching someone being a Christian

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